+ 33(0)6 30 58 77 44
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Book your sea trip
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Au programme

Come and discover all the most beautiful sites of Corsica with our sea trips departing from Ajaccio and Porticcio. Make your excursion a dream and an adventure that you will never forget ... Come and thrill aboard our fast semi-rigid boats type speed Boat piloted by qualified and passionate captains to discover all the wonders that abound the west coast of the Corsica, the earthly paradise exists! In just one hour, you will reach the emblematic site of Corsica, the Scandola Nature Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which will offer you a breathtaking spectacle thanks to its exceptional maritime and terrestrial flora and fauna. The visit will start from the island of Gargalo and will continue with the fault of the cathedral, the fault of the monk seals ... a total visit of the reserve and a stop for swimming in turquoise waters we will arrive at Girolata, a small fishing village built around an 18th century fort accessible only by sea. A 20-minute free stop to explore with neighbors the mythical wild cows that live in the village. We will take to the sea again in the direction of the Gulf of Porto for another swimming stop at the cove of Ficaghjola, a small village with a heavenly beach. We will overlap our seats for a sensational ride to the Calanques de Piana, a geological jewel with its majestic cliffs and caves that we will explore one after the other until the natural swimming pool of Capo Rosso where you can dive in its crystal clear waters surrounded of fish under the surveillance of the Genoese Turghju tower, culminating at 330 meters. And a last swimming stop in the Cala di Pala cove where you can dive from natural diving boards at different heights for the more courageous. We will continue this fantastic ride to the mystical Sanguinaires Islands to admire the most beautiful sunset, we will dock on one of them called Mezzu Mare or Grande Sanguinaire where you can visit on foot the lighthouse dating from 1870, the highest point. 80 meters above the sea with a breathtaking 360 degree view where you can enjoy a swimming break.
On your return, our captains will have prepared a 'nustrale' aperitif, tasting of charcuterie and rosé wine from our terroirs under the benevolent eye of the sun which slowly begins its descent into the Mediterranean Sea. We get back into our coaches to the sound of Corsican polyphonies which will make your body vibrate with great emotion and there before our eyes this wonderful spectacle, unique every evening the Myhtic sunset. And it's off again for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, crossing the sea zigzagging to make you live these magical moments of freedom thus leaving you stars in your eyes and an unforgettable memory so that the dream may continue to see you again for new adventures ...

Times and place of departures

Porticcio Ponton Sofitel  Hôtel Radisson
- sur la plage devant l'hôtel
Port Tino Rossi
- à la capitainerie
14h30 14h35 14h40 14h50

Itinéraire du circuit

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